Thinking Of YOU


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


xxxxxxxxxxxxx I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been a longgg time din update ma blog. haixx,,,this few days really tired, eventhought everyday I sleep early, but still feel ain't enough. I wish I can sleep till sigh I hv to work :( suddenly miss ur smell so much.. :DDD miss d time we hug together n slp together, can't wait to c u again, sure will gv u a BIG hug^^ hmm,,did u notice that I x argue with u dy? everytime u scold me I will just keep quiet, if really beh tahan thn turn off my phone, so u can't contact me, thn tk d time to calm down urself. I hope u'll understand. I hope u'll understand my feeling, dun keep saying those hurtful words... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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