Thinking Of YOU


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 11, 2010

111110...THE 40DAYS

SUPRISEEEEEE~~~~ I knw u can't wait to see it ya!! hohoho ^0^ hmm,,okay, da 1st one is----tikus!!! muahaha. ( this tikus will replace Ah Boo ) guess what is da function? not just for decoration....deng deng deng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a money saving coins box =) I want u save up the money for ur own future.I dun want u waste the money to buy thing for me okay. I dun need anything. hmm,,m really suprised tht whn I knw u bought a perfume 4me. I never think of it before.u knw wht,,,m also bought a perfume for u(2days ago)..soooooo coincidence. bt its nt d brand u want :( I dun hv enough budget to buy d chloe perfume recently sobs*** it's burberry perfume, da smell very delicate, soft & sweet..hope u'll like it.

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