Thinking Of YOU


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, October 3, 2010

03102010 life...

m here again,,sometimes lazy to write down d feelings,,thatz y,, today miss u so damn much bt u seems busy, I hpe can skype with u bt m scare I will fall in slp in front of u cuz m a bit tired,, today suppose to b a good day 4 us cuz today is public hol n we x need to work, bt I spend ma time by watching those stupid movies,, THE REVENGE OF THE KONG COBRA really sucks,,so bored thn wht I expected,,then THE OMEN,,I watched it ages ago de,, I really hate sunday cuz da 2nd day si monday, da main reason I hate monday is I knw its gonna b a super duper busy+scariest day!! cicak super duper moody on every monday xD

hmm,,,80 days to go,,time past soooo...slow, nw baru beginning of October,,still got November,,December,,arghhh, cant wait to b with u hug u tightlyyy n pinch ur cheek hehe..bully u neh!! :))) my course will start on next sunday so nervous ler,,bt m happy cuz I knw I can meet up v u whn ma course end,tht would b my greatest x'mas present ^^

waiting for you......

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