Thinking Of YOU


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Friday, April 2, 2010

ma love expressions

It is vry important for me to express to u how much u really mean to me...

I know it is difficult for u, as it is for me, to be separated for sooO long :( But our love will keep us near to each other. I believe 1 Day those miles won't be there, because I'll be in ur stupid arms forever.well,I just love you because I do.I love da way u laugh.even...a bit like sohai.lolz...n I love da way u smile.honestly ur dimples really attractive..m sooO envy of ur dimples XD I even love it when you make me mad n don't know why?? I love how when u upset me, u try so hard to make it better.

Steph,m so in love with u & wishing that I was with

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