Thinking Of YOU


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 16, 2010

letter S

I want get a tattoo!!! I really dont care what people think of me o da tattoo I have. If thy love me thy wont care :) well...I dont want it to b vry more than 1.5 inches.nah! I want a tattoo that says I love you no matter how hard life gets :) abt tattoo with ur name on it?? u & me have been together 10months++ and m sure we r going to b together for da rest of our lives.U more than a gf for me.u're ma love,ma everything..u,gave me a reason to live.I just want a creative way to put ur name.Steph....S!!! I really love this alphabet n I really want it on da back of ma neck/below ma hairline... I'd b more than happy to tell ppl y I hv it n whats da meaning behind it...

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